
Friday, April 29, 2011

What a joke

2 Billon people watched royal wedding……what a joke . 21st century … we Cry and Die for Freedom and Democracy and some 2 billon people nothing else to do but watch someone getting married , that include media and all news papers and their countless coverage ….get a life or if u have nothing else to cover on news ….for a change shut the hell up .
When ‘John’ and ‘Jon’ want to get married “ YOU “ said “ NO “ ; when ‘Jane’ and ‘Jennie’ want to have a wedding  " YOU " 
throw away the Constitution cuz ‘You’ have money and power on u’r side .
Cost of the royal wedding around 40 millions …..small money ; when kids don’t have Food or Health Care or Safe place to Live and Play or Drink clean Water or Education .
Could have made 40 missiles with that money and Reshape some Landscape ….could have made 4 or 5 good looking supersonic planes and put lot of poor people out of their misery , again could have done so much stuff but who cares ….its Royal …..Super Blood …. People like you , U’r Blood is Red not Royal Blood so shut up and bow U’r head and wait till young prince get married ….that would be the party U will never forget … bar , drinks on the house , just wear u’r party Hat and bow U’r head to me cuz I’m who I’m and I will be U’r King some day and will party that day too ; till that day pay U’r dues and taxes …..I know U don’t want to but u have to , cuz U’r Blood is Red not Royal so shut up and be happy with it.

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